Family Photos (or "The best we can get while my kids are standing still").

So yesterday, with the advent of some lovely warm weather and four fresh haricuts, I decided to attempt some family portraits.  Big mistake.  Firstly, I chose the wrong type of light.  The sun was too high for backlight, and was mostly in our eyes.  I just got so excited that there was sun, I just didn't take the time to plan timing, location, lighting conditions, etc.  I know, I know, what a rookie mistake!  Thanks goodness they are only for me!  Secondly, I chose the wrong location.  It is a forest near our house that I have had good succes with for some previuous shoots (as well as great hikes).  However, I didn't anticipate how muddy and slippery our adventure would be.  Well, actually, I did anticipate it, but shooting fever swept me into deep denial.  Not to  mention, there was no open shade in this lovely forest, just a deadly combination of a million tree branches and low sun.  This equals a bazillion shadows on our faces and  it forced us to duck, dodge and squat to avoid some of the worst shadows,  especially me!  Needless to say, moving is painful today.

Thirdly, I had two little girls, who love mud, traipsing around in white shirts and new ballet flats.  Enough said, I am clearly insane.

So after begging, bribing, swearing in my head, running to beat the self-timer (at least ten times), misplacing my tripod, a toad scare ( the damn thing jumped right on my foot!  I love toads but not by surprise) and a treacherous hike in and out of the woods, I ended up with a few nice shots of the girls and ONE of the family.  That's right, ONE.  Sigh.  I guess we will have to do this all over again...but not anytime soon.

(Please excuse the inconstent editing styles.  They are just for me so I had some fun playing!)




Okay, This last one is unedited, right-out-of-the-camera,  but I think it captures the essence of what we went through to get these images.   

Everyday Abstract

This is a quick abstract collage I put together, just for fun.  The cool part is that all the images were taken in McDonalds!  We had stopped in for a quick, not-so-healthy snack after attempting some family photos (that is a whole other post!), and I snapped a few quick shots of things that I found interesting.  From the top left and moving clockwise: the lamp over our table, another light fixture, the blind cord and finally the exterior light under the awning.  I think lights are cool, what can I say.  Anyway, here is the image, which is entitled McBeauty (because you know how they have to name everything with a "Mc" at the start...).

52 Weeks -Week 15

This is an image I took of myself on my iPhone while I was laying out in the grass, enjoying the first warm, sunny day in a long time!  My pup was by my side and my youngest daughter was off happily making mud pies and getting as dirty as possible.  I am on a time-crunch today, planning for upcoming sessions and then off to work, so here is the image, which I have entitled True Blue.  And yes, my eyes are that blue, at least they are today.  Sometimes they are grey and other times they are blue. My husband says it depends on my mood.  My oldest daughter's are the same and we have the same personality traits, so maybe he's right.  At least he knows not to cross me when they are grey!

52 Weeks - Weeks 11, 12, 13 and 14!

Okay, so I am WAAAYYYY behind on posting these images.  Life sometimes tends to get away from me, with two jobs, school, two kids and a household to manage, blogging is not always the priority!  These images, you may notice, are not self-portraits.  I really have been trying to make it all about me (harder than I thought it would be!), but I have a natural inclination to photograph the world around me.  That world is my girls and hubby, my Charlie boy, my jobs, and my social activities.  So these image represent a glimpse into my world over the last month or so.  I have included some images that I have taken with my new iPhone 4, since it is my fun new toy!  So, without further ado, here they are!

Week 11 - Snow  From the last winter storm we are going to have (fingers crossed).

Week 12 - Charlie Boy Goes Retro   My handsome pup posing during a break from ball-retrieving.

Week 13 - Tricycle   Brielle riding to the store to get groceries.

Week 14 - Sulking  Emery, my sensitive soul, sulking after being scolded for touching "dangerous" wires.

52 Weeks - Week 10

I know, I know, I'm behind on my posts again!  I really do try to get them out on time, but alas, sometimes life just takes over. This is an image that I took one day when I had a rare free moment, hanging out on the couch.  I was playing around with angles, just messing around for fun.  I though this one was funny, and yet also brilliant because it only shows one of my chins!  I have entitled it Inversion.  I have to try to remember to be less serious in these images.  I have fun, I really do!

Let's Go Fly a Kite!

Spring has sprung around here and what better way to get out and enjoy the warmer weather and light breezes than with a little kite-flying.  I grabbed my girls and headed for the huge parking lot down the street to test our kite skills.  The first day (when I left my camera home, of course) was a smashing success, with both girls getting their kites up and away, at least for a few minutes. We had such a blast that we decided to head out againg the next evening, with the neighbour's son in tow, and this time I came armed and ready to capture our glorious feats of aerodynamic prowess.  However, we quickly discovered that the strong wind gusts were causing the the kites to nose dive recklessly at break-neck speed, scattering the child spectators in every direction as I tried mightily to keep it airborne long enough to pass off.  I did manage to succeed a couple of times, but then I would have to spend ten minutes getting it flying again before the next attempt.  Obviously, they quickly lost interest and I had to resort to getting them to run with the kite on a short string.  Oh well, not the beautiful images I conceptualized, but better than nothing, right? 

52 Weeks - Week 9

This image depicts my most frequent hairstyle.  By nature, my hair is really curly, and I mean that out-of-control, frizzy, unmanageable type of curl that requires a lot of effort to make even slightly presentable.  As a child, I had many variations of an afro, but as I grew (and after two straightening treatments) I was finally able to get it long enough to pull back.  And thus, the bun was born.  In all its' glory, it is a messy,  curl-strewn disaster, barely contained by the straining elastic.  It is me.  Here is the image, which I entitled The Bun.  

By the way, by true definition this was not a self-portrait, as I left my tripod at my parents and it is impossible to take a shot of the back of your own head unless you have extra-long arms (I do not).  So, my wonderful 6-year-old volunteered to help me.  Thanks Brielle!

52 Weeks - Week 8

This is an image that I took with my point-and-shoot as I worked alongside my classmates to finish my composite project.  See how hard we were concentrating?  No one even looked up for the photo except me.    We worked hard girls, now hoepfully it pays off with great marks!  It is titled Dedication.

(Please excuse the quality, it was more about the moment than the image!)

Our Newest Family Member

This adorable little miss is the daughter of my husband's cousin and his wife, who happens to be my long-time friend.  She is a very welcome addition to the Blake family and I was in my glory being able to squish and kiss her throughout our session and visit.  Here is a sneak peek for the family.  Thank you Ricki, Kevin and Rubylynn for letting me capture your little princess.  Love you baby Vanessa!

Adorable Cousins

The winter blahs are in full swing over here at MBP and I am going stir-crazy!  I need to get out and shoot, but really, who wants pictures in a landscape that is comprised of grey-brown snowbanks and yellow grass and naked trees?  Nonetheless, I put the call out on Facebook to see if anyone would be kind enough to indulge my need for shutter speed and thankfully, I got a response! My friend Lara and her twin sister Tara have been kind enough in the past to let me photograph their little duts and were up for the challenge again.  We all headed to our local city hall for an impromptu session, me armed with my camera and a package of Skittles and they with armloads of adorable clothes.

Little Miss Ava and Mister Nate were absolutely fantastic (as usual) and we got some great images!  Here is a sneak peek for you, ladies, since I know you are anxious to see what we got!

52 Weeks - Weeks 6 & 7

Okay, I know I am behind, but it has been crazy at my house the last couple of weeks.  While I did actually take the week 6 image during week 6, I haven't had the time to blog it until now. My week 6 image is entitled Shadow Toque, for obvious reasons.  We have been having lovely, sunny winter days around here and I thought I would try to capture my shadow.  It was not as long and funky as I wanted it to be, but alas the only free time I had to get out and take it was during midday, when the sun was high in the sky.  I will have to try it again someday.

For my week 7  image, I wanted to capture one of my most common evening activities, playing apps.  I have an iPod Touch and and iPad, and I love them both!  I love playing all sorts of games and the fact that I can take boredom-beaters wherever I go is a huge bonus.  My favourites are puzzle games, like Cut the Rope or Pictureka, or trivia games like Jeopardy! or Movie Cat.  Anyway, it is not uncommon to find my husband and I curled up on the couch together, each playing games with obsessive concentration.  Don't worry, we talk and cuddle beforehand!!! ;)  So here is my image, entitled App-solute Concentration.

52 Weeks - Week 5

Winter has officially set in and we are all huddled inside, marvelling at the height of the snowbanks.  I personally love winter and its storms and snow.  There is nothing that makes me more excited than the prospect of a nice big blizzard that shuts down the whole city.  Maybe it's a bit twisted, but I just find it very relaxing.  Anyway, being that we have been driven inside by the weather, I thought I would try some fun things with an actual light this week, rather than natural light.  I took an interesting lighting workshop recently and I was eager to try something new.  Well, I didn't get as creative as I had hoped, because just as I was brainstorming, the skies opened and the snow started to fly!  My hubby had to get outside and fire up the snowblower, leaving me with two litle girls who wanted to "help" Mommy with her set-up.  So I ended up with only one kinda usable image, which I have entitled Monogram.

See you next week!

Summer Dreams

I just thought I would share this image of my daughter Brielle enjoying some "inside sunshine".  It was -9 degrees outside but the sun was shining bright.  The next thing I knew there was a towel spread, a bikini and sunglasses donned and a plate of snacks being nibbled.  Nothing like a indoor winter picnic to make your summer dreams come true!

52 Weeks - Week 4

Okay.  I know I am a bit late posting this week, but it has been a crazy one!  Firstly, it is my lovely in-laws' last week with us before they jet back home.  They have been here since the start of December and we are going to miss them dearly.  I am actually going to have to cook, do laundry and make school lunches again....I have been so spoiled.

Secondly, my oldest daughter turned six this week, so I have been up to my eyeballs in balloons, craft supplies, decorations and cake.  And after no less than 3 different birthday celebrations (we love parties around here), I am totally exhausted.  I also took her out for her mandatory birthday photo session, which was freezing but so much fun.

After all the things I have had to accomplish this week, please excuse the tardiness of this post.  I took this picture a few days ago, but haven't had time to do anything with it until now.  It is a little different than my last couple of posts, since it includes my daughters as well.  My oldest daughter has taken a sudden liking to yoga and I decided that it would be a great activity to do as a family.  So, every afternoon, we line up our mats and we huff and puff and fall all over the place, trying desperately to "calm" our breathing.   The kids tend to lose focus after about 10 minutes, but at least we are together, right?  I actually like yoga a lot more than I thought I would... except when I can't move the next day! 

Here is this week's image, entitled Posers.  Trust me when I say it was the best of the bunch.  You don't know how hard it is to take a self-timed portrait while you are doing yoga until you try it!  Not to mention that the kids kept running over to see the pictures before the timer even finished beeping!  I am pretty sure it is counterproductive to be yelling "Get on your mats!" while doing yoga.

Flexibility, here I come!

52 Weeks - Week 3

Well, since my last 52 Weeks post, it has been pretty busy.  I am back in class for my photography program, which I ABSOLUTELY LOVE!  I know it may sound a little geeky to be so excited about school, but I think that when you love what you're learning, it makes all the difference to your commitment and level of enthusiasm.  On the flip side, as a college-level instructor, I see everyday how passion for your studies affects your daily learning.  Anyway, enough philosophical ranting. Of course, since things have been going so well, I thought I might as well throw a wrench in to keep it interesting.  This past weekend, when toboganning with my beautiful girls, I managed to blow out my knee.  It seems that I have severely injured the ligaments and joint surfaces of my left knee, on the inside aspect.  Sigh.  After a trip to the hospital, I have crutches, a brace, and anti-imflammatories. 

Fortunately, it wasn't as bad as it could have been, since my dad (a chiropractor, naturopath and acupuncturist) started treating me within seconds after it happened (I wanted to hit him at the time, but now I am glad he did).  For the last couple of days I have been hobbling around and releasing the occasional torrent of expletives (they come out before I even know what is happening, I'm sure to the moritfication of my in-laws!).  I have been having acupuncture fairly regularly, to keep the pain and inflammation down, so I have felt a bit like a battered pincushion.  All in the name of getting healthy again. 

Here is this week's image, which I have titled Torture or Treatment. 

I can't wait until I can bend and straighten my knee again.  Until then, it makes life interesting!

Baby Samuel

This absolutely gorgeous baby boy is only 9 days old, my youngest newborn so far!  His parents are wonderful, long time friends of mine and were kind enough to invite me to take some shots of this cutie.  The youngest of four boys, he is well loved and already very used to noise and commotion.  He was such a little trooper through the whole session, despite my insistence on trying to untangled his limbs, forcing him to be naked and several breaks for snuggles (from me, of course!).  On top of it all, I was talking shop with his Dad, who is learning photography as well,  so the session lasted a little longer than usual.  Such is the life of an adorable baby. 

Thanks Sarah and Jason for allowing me to capture these images of your precious little man.

And yes, I know I have two different watermarks on these images! Just trying things out to see whatIi like the best.

Winter Mini Sessions

Brave the cold for some beautiful images in a snowy, winter wonderland!  Take advantage of these glorious winter days with a 30 minute mini session.  A limited number of sessions will be available on weekends between January 22 and March 5, 2011 (dependent upon weather and previously booked sessions).  Contact me at to book your session now!

52 Weeks - Week 2

So, this week has been a busy one.  Everyone at my house is back in the routine with school, work and play.  Sometimes between working, playing with the kids, walking the dog and micromanaging everyone's schedule, I just need to unwind.  I am lucky enough, a couple of days a week, to have some alone time  (well, the dog is usually here but passed out on his pillow).  Usually, I use this time to catch up on my shows while I fold laundry (or don't fold laundry).  But today, I decided to just grab a cup of tea and my favourite re-read, The Secret. 

I  have read this book at least  thirty times already, mostly by picking out little sections here and there that are applicable to my life at that moment.  Today I read "The Secret to Success".  It was the first thing I opened up to, and it was just what I needed.  I am really trying this year to build not only my client-base (in both my careers), but also my skills and knowledge.  So I guess tips for leading a more successful life are a good place to start!

Anyway, I am going back to my cup of (now cold) peppermint tea to finish my reflective time, before I have to go and brush my car off for the third time today.  Ahhh, I love quiet, snowy days. 

Practice Makes Perfect

I have been a bit lazy about getting out and just taking pictures for the sake of taking them.   I decided that with school starting this week and my first shoot of the year next weekend, I had better get in gear!  The last couple of days have been beautiful and sunny and the snow is powdery and light, so I coudn't pass up the opportunity to get out and practice.  I actually had a willing participant (she is trying to earn "good girl stickers" to get a new video game), so I grabbed my gear before she changed her mind. 

I have recently joined a new photography discussion forum and have been reading up on all sorts of tips and tricks and I was eager to try and use what I had learned.  In the end though I just ended up working purely on focus and exposure, which still need work!  Oh well, if nothing else I had a wonderful little session with my big girl and a few great smapshots for the family album!

Lots of black and white...seems I got so caught up watching histograms and trying to get my focus just right that my colours went right out the window!  LOL 

Oh well, one day it will all come together!

52 Weeks - Week 1

So, in the name of expanding my creativity and honing my craft, I have decided to take on a couple of personal projects.   The first is a challenge to take a self-portrait every week.  I really wanted something that would take me out of my comfort zone and challenge me to get in front of the lens a bit more often. My goal is to try and capture my mood or environment every week, as a permanent reminder of this year of my life.  I had originally thought of trying Project 365, but hey, with two jobs, school, a husband, two kids and a dog, who am I kidding?  It would have sunk by day 8! 

Here is this week's portrait, which I have titled Bare.

Two words: exhaustion and focus. 

As for the other challenges for this year, they are:

  1. 32 Strangers -  I am going to do this in March in honour of my 32nd birthday.  I am going to meet and ask to photograph 32 strangers on the street.  I am working on being brave.
  2. Lowdown - I am going to do a series that will be shot only from ground level.  Just something I came up with to try some new angles and play around with depth of field.  This one will be in the spring/summer....I may be Canadian but I don't like to lie in the snow if I can help it!

So wish me luck.  It is a lot to take on, but all in the name of love!