Practice Makes Perfect

I have been a bit lazy about getting out and just taking pictures for the sake of taking them.   I decided that with school starting this week and my first shoot of the year next weekend, I had better get in gear!  The last couple of days have been beautiful and sunny and the snow is powdery and light, so I coudn't pass up the opportunity to get out and practice.  I actually had a willing participant (she is trying to earn "good girl stickers" to get a new video game), so I grabbed my gear before she changed her mind. 

I have recently joined a new photography discussion forum and have been reading up on all sorts of tips and tricks and I was eager to try and use what I had learned.  In the end though I just ended up working purely on focus and exposure, which still need work!  Oh well, if nothing else I had a wonderful little session with my big girl and a few great smapshots for the family album!

Lots of black and white...seems I got so caught up watching histograms and trying to get my focus just right that my colours went right out the window!  LOL 

Oh well, one day it will all come together!