So, this week has been a busy one. Everyone at my house is back in the routine with school, work and play. Sometimes between working, playing with the kids, walking the dog and micromanaging everyone's schedule, I just need to unwind. I am lucky enough, a couple of days a week, to have some alone time (well, the dog is usually here but passed out on his pillow). Usually, I use this time to catch up on my shows while I fold laundry (or don't fold laundry). But today, I decided to just grab a cup of tea and my favourite re-read, The Secret.
I have read this book at least thirty times already, mostly by picking out little sections here and there that are applicable to my life at that moment. Today I read "The Secret to Success". It was the first thing I opened up to, and it was just what I needed. I am really trying this year to build not only my client-base (in both my careers), but also my skills and knowledge. So I guess tips for leading a more successful life are a good place to start!
Anyway, I am going back to my cup of (now cold) peppermint tea to finish my reflective time, before I have to go and brush my car off for the third time today. Ahhh, I love quiet, snowy days.