So yesterday, with the advent of some lovely warm weather and four fresh haricuts, I decided to attempt some family portraits. Big mistake. Firstly, I chose the wrong type of light. The sun was too high for backlight, and was mostly in our eyes. I just got so excited that there was sun, I just didn't take the time to plan timing, location, lighting conditions, etc. I know, I know, what a rookie mistake! Thanks goodness they are only for me! Secondly, I chose the wrong location. It is a forest near our house that I have had good succes with for some previuous shoots (as well as great hikes). However, I didn't anticipate how muddy and slippery our adventure would be. Well, actually, I did anticipate it, but shooting fever swept me into deep denial. Not to mention, there was no open shade in this lovely forest, just a deadly combination of a million tree branches and low sun. This equals a bazillion shadows on our faces and it forced us to duck, dodge and squat to avoid some of the worst shadows, especially me! Needless to say, moving is painful today.
Thirdly, I had two little girls, who love mud, traipsing around in white shirts and new ballet flats. Enough said, I am clearly insane.
So after begging, bribing, swearing in my head, running to beat the self-timer (at least ten times), misplacing my tripod, a toad scare ( the damn thing jumped right on my foot! I love toads but not by surprise) and a treacherous hike in and out of the woods, I ended up with a few nice shots of the girls and ONE of the family. That's right, ONE. Sigh. I guess we will have to do this all over again...but not anytime soon.
(Please excuse the inconstent editing styles. They are just for me so I had some fun playing!)
Okay, This last one is unedited, right-out-of-the-camera, but I think it captures the essence of what we went through to get these images.