Reflecting on 2013, I can't help but smile. My family brings me such joy and happiness on a daily basis. I am so grateful to be surrounded by the people I love, having the chance to enjoy their company in the places I love and making memories along the way.
We travelled frequently to the cottage this year, a family haven in beautiful Tobermory. My girls are free to explore and discover, swim and play, build fires and catch minnows. I read, nap and swim when the water is not bone-chillingly cold. My hubby works through crosswords, soaks up the sun and takes long walks to clear his mind. I think each of us feels at home, at ease and perfectly relaxed in this space. We live the cottage life to the fullest.
We also had the chance to go home this year to Twillingate, Newfoundland, a place of rugged beauty where amazing family and friends welcome us with open arms. I love the fact that my girls are able to wander off to climb the hills, catch crabs in a bucket, get a slushie at the store and pick wild berries, all without ever worrying about where they are or whom they are with. It brings me back to my own childhood and it makes my heart happy that they have the chance to enjoy that carefree childhood, even for a short time. Hubby and I often take off, leaving the girls with their doting Nan & Pop, to check out the local hiking trails or drive to his youthful haunts. On the plus side for me, there are no snakes on the island, which makes my hikes much less anxiety-ridden, however, the nippers is some bad! Bonfires at the beach, fresh meat soup and toutons with partridge berry jam are some of my favourite things about going home. :)
When we were not on the road or in the air, we spent our summer nights in good ol' Kitchener with friends and neighbours, the kids playing late into the warm nights on their bikes or on the trampoline. The girls begged every day to go to the skate park down the street or for an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen. I cleaned scraped knees, administered AfterBite and slathered the sunscreen. Ahhh, summer.
It is hard to believe that the fall saw both my girls in school full-time, me alone to work in my too-quiet house with the snoring dog. Sigh. I knew they would grow, but why does it have to be so fast? I am so glad that I am able to capture them, as I see them, nearly every day, so that I can look back each year and remember. Just remember.
We finished the year with a beautiful Christmas and New Year, surrounded by family and full of love. The perfect way to complete a heart-filling, wonderful year.
Before I get too sappy, below are a selection of some of my favourite images from this past year, divided into Colour, Black & White and iPhone images. Bring on 2014!
M xo
Intensely Carefree


Body Art

Straw Gazer

Cottage Life

Granny Face

Rock Hoppers

Six with Attitude

The Old Man

Favourite Red Hoodie


Black & White

Sisterly Love

Up the Creek

Fashion Show

Puddle Inspector

Summer Braid

Piggy Back!

The Woods

Charleston View
Summer Beach Sunset

Skate Park Gang

Weathered Pines

Smoke Signals

In Pop's Store

Tuckered Out

Hair Echoing Bush

Back Harbour Swell

Through the Sprinkler

Late Summer Garden

The Chase

Calling to Friends


Strike a Pose

Morning Kiss

Incognito Attitude

Summer Clouds

Weird Light, Big Eyes

Winter's Bones