Some of you may know that in my former life I was a practicing massage therapist, as well as a massage therapy instructor at a local college. Through this experience I have formed some truly amazing friendships and connections that are so special. I love keeping up with my former clients and students, through social media, tea dates and gatherings, and when one of this circle hires me for a session, I feel incredibly honoured and happy. Considering that I started working at the college nearly 8 years ago. many of the students I have worked with are now getting married, starting families and growing in their lives in amazing ways. This lovely lady is no exception. She is a busy massage therapist, to whom I entrusted my own clients six years ago when I took a brief maternity leave. She has an infectious smile, positive and caring attitude and shares my sense of humour. When we hang out, laughter is the order of the day!
When we met up for our session near the Grand River trail in Kitchener, I was so excited to finally meet her little girl in person. She seriously has one of the most radiant smiles I have seen - she just lights up! It may have been a cold, gray day with light snow, but she smiled as if it were the middle of the summer. Of course, even she had her limits and the smile didn't last once her fingers got cold, but we had fun while it lasted! If only we could have convinced her to stop throwing her mittens in the snow... ;)
Here are a few of my favourites from this quick, fun session! Thank you all for being such troopers in the cold and the snow - next time we need to plan for summer!
M xo