Looking back through 2014, a few things come to mind. Adventures in the woods. Swimming, lots of swimming. Skateboards and scooters. And family. This year was one where I put down the "big" camera and just brought my phone. My phone, that I can slip into my pocket after the not-so-perfect-but-memory-capturing photo is taken and then engage in the moment. Play with my girls. Kiss my husband. Pet my old dog. These moments are what can get lost when my big camera comes around, as I struggle to get just the right frame rather than just the right moment. That split second where my kids laugh a true laugh, or hit the water after a huge cannon-ball or stick out their tongues playfully.
Now don't get me wrong, lots of these images were taken with a vision or because the light was pretty or because I love me some Instagram and like participating in that community, but underneath all of that, this is our life. And I love our life. That is what I take away from these images as I reflect on the past year.
I am blessed beyond my wildest imagination. And these photos are the proof.
M xo