Celebrate Motherhood | KW Family Photographer

If you are like me, you call your Mom every day. You know the smell of her face cream and can immediately call up an image of her laughing in your mind.  She is your friend, your guidance counselor, your cheerleader and sometimes your most honest critic. If you are like me, your kids are your world, even when you feel like you might lose your sanity if they track mud into the house one more time. You kiss them while they are sleeping and feel like your heart might burst when they are proud of their own achievements.  You want to them to stay young forever but are equally excited to see them grow into the people they are meant to be.  They make you laugh, cry, scream, feel the need to take deep breaths and above all they are a part of your heart and soul.

I know us mamas are not always kind to ourselves, wanting to wait until we look our very best before stepping in front of the camera, but just remember your kids love you no matter your wrinkles, muffin top, cankles, double chin, crazy hair or monthly acne break-out.  Just get in the picture!

I invite you to Celebrate Motherhood with me this spring. Evening session times only (after 5:30 pm), and times are available April through June, 2014.  Connect with me by clicking Contact above or at mandy@mandyblakephotography.com!


Here is one of me, my Mom and my girls taken last Mother's Day.  I cherish this picture and I am so glad I have it to pass on to future generations.   I am also pretty sure that my girls will be happy to show it to their children one day, certainly while saying, "WHAT was up Mom's hair that day?" ;)Mother's-Day-2013-Web

Waiting Patiently | Kitchener Family Photographer

This was my first ever true maternity session!  When this glowing mama, a friend from college and fellow photographer at Miche L Photography, asked if I would capture her baby bump, I agreed with (nervous) excitement! They drove in from Kincardine to meet me on a relatively warm day (-1° Celcius is practically tropical around here this winter!) and we met at Waterloo Park to capture some snowy scenes.  It may look pretty, with the cedar hedgerow dusted in fluffy snow, but believe you me we waded through knee deep banks to get to the location.  Soggy pant hems really add to the experience though, wouldn't you agree? ;)

After braving the cold for a we while, we decided we needed to warm up and so headed to the nearby Clay and Glass Gallery to explore the amazing art pieces and take advantage of some spectacular light.  Once changed in to some dry clothes, I worked on getting a few images of them with the art installations, but also to capture the wonderful, loving connection these two have together.  It is easy to see that with the amount of love that is flying around, the awaited babe will be one lucky little person.

I cannot wait to meet Baby Robertson and wish them all a swift, wonderful birth experience.  And look out world, this promises to be one good-looking baby.  Have you seen her hot parents?! :)

Enjoy the images and stay warm,

M xo

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Love Is In The Air | Kitchener Family Photographer

It was a misty, grey early winter day and I wasn't sure the light was going to hold.  But boy, was I wrong!  The light was some of the prettiest I have seen and it made all the colors so rich! After meeting in north Waterloo, we started the session with some family fun, with little man Q winning us all over with his adorable smile and giggles!  He is always cracks me up with his silliness!  I think some of his biggest smiles came when he was telling me about his girlfriend - lucky little lady!

After we had fun laughing and playing together, Grandma and Grandpa came to pick up Mr. Q so that we could celebrate this lovely couple's engagement with some more intimate images.  They were such good sports, as I made them trail through wet, cold grass and follow my bossy instructions! ;)  They are so connected and just good at being together that they made my job really simple.  And like I said before, the light was STUNNING.

I am so excited to be photographing this gorgeous couples wedding this spring - it promises to be a fantastic day!

Enjoy the images!

M xo

Golden Morning | Kitchener Family Photography

Sometimes everything just works.  The sun, the light, the colours, the clothing, the location.  Ya know, it all just jives!  This session was one of those that just flowed, the light was beautiful and the golden rod was at the peak of fluffy gorgeousness. I met this family at my parents' home on the edge of Kitchener, which backs onto the Crown Land surrounding the Grand River.  The sun was shining, filtering through the pines in a way that just made everything feel golden.  It was a bit chilly at first, but we quickly warmed up in the fall sunshine!  This lovely mama is a fellow photographer at Close Your Eyes Photography, so I was super pleased that the weather was cooperating, since making our individual schedules come together was like playing Twister!  We headed out into the woods and I knew immediately that her kiddos were going to be rock stars in front of the camera, no doubt from a few times in front of Mom's lens... ;)

She specifically asked that we really focus on getting her in with her kiddos and to have all of them together, since us photographers often don't get the chance to be in front of the lens with our littles as much as we should!  I was happy to oblige and I think we managed to get lots for her to treasure as the years go by.  Of course, Dad got in there too, after nearly being excused from the session due to a certain Movember Mustache, which was fortunately shaven just in the nick of time!

We finished our time together with Dad and the kids heading off to explore the hills and ponds around the woods while Mom and I worked on getting an updated head shot and profile picture for her to use.  I have included my personal favourite of that series, which I think captures her kind heart and lovely personality.

Enjoy the images!

M xo


Three | Kitchener Family Photography

This session was almost a bust from the beginning.  The little man had fallen sound asleep in the car on the way over and was not entirely pleased to be awoken to find he had to have his picture taken.  But soon enough, he was regaling with tales about his cowboy boots (his favourite footwear of the moment) and giggling as we sneaked away into the long grasses to take some "secret" photos without Mom & Dad. We had a rather chilly day, with the wind blowing across the nearby Grand River in Kitchener, but we all trooped around through the weeds and bushes like nothing was going to stop us!  There may have been about a million tiny fluffy seeds on us when we finished, but we managed to have fun and some laughs along the way.

This family of three has so much love for one another, you can just feel it in the way the play and laugh and act silly together.  A connection that will only grow beautifully in time.  As long as they can keep Mr. Personality from lifting off the ground with his enormous stores of energy!  Something tells me Dad does little to help keep the sillies at bay, as evidenced in the second image... I hope Mom knows what she is in for!   ;)

Thank you, you three, for sharing your moments with me.  I had so much fun capturing your family!

M xo

Personal Images 2013 | Kitchener Family Photography

  Reflecting on 2013, I can't help but smile.  My family brings me such joy and happiness on a daily basis.  I am so grateful to be surrounded by the people I love, having the chance to enjoy their company in the places I love and making memories along the way.

We travelled frequently to the cottage this year, a family haven in beautiful Tobermory.  My girls are free to explore and discover, swim and play, build fires and catch minnows.  I read, nap and swim when the water is not bone-chillingly cold. My hubby works through crosswords, soaks up the sun and takes long walks to clear his mind.  I  think each of us feels at home, at ease and perfectly relaxed in this space.  We live the cottage life to the fullest.

We also had the chance to go home this year to Twillingate, Newfoundland, a place of rugged beauty where amazing family and friends welcome us with open arms.  I love the fact that my girls are able to wander off to climb the hills, catch crabs in a bucket, get a slushie at the store and pick wild berries, all without ever worrying about where they are or whom they are with.  It brings me back to my own childhood and it makes my heart happy that they have the chance to enjoy that carefree childhood, even for a short time.  Hubby and I often take off, leaving the girls with their doting Nan & Pop, to check out the local hiking trails or drive to his youthful haunts.  On the plus side for me, there are no snakes on the island, which makes my hikes much less anxiety-ridden, however, the nippers is some bad!  Bonfires at the beach, fresh meat soup and toutons with partridge berry jam are some of my favourite things about going home. :)

When we were not on the road or in the air, we spent our summer nights in good ol' Kitchener with friends and neighbours, the kids playing late into the warm nights on their bikes or on the trampoline.  The girls begged every day to go to the skate park down the street or for an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen.  I cleaned scraped knees, administered AfterBite and slathered the sunscreen. Ahhh, summer.

It is hard to believe that the fall saw both my girls in school full-time, me alone to work in my too-quiet house with the snoring dog.  Sigh.  I knew they would grow, but why does it have to be so fast?  I am so glad that I am able to capture them, as I see them, nearly every day, so that I can look back each year and remember. Just remember.

We finished the year with a beautiful Christmas and New Year, surrounded by family and full of love.  The perfect way to complete a heart-filling, wonderful year.

Before I get too sappy, below are a selection of some of my favourite images from this past year, divided into Colour, Black & White and iPhone images.  Bring on 2014!

M xo


Intensely Carefree


Body Art

Straw Gazer

Cottage Life

Granny Face

Rock Hoppers

Six with Attitude

The Old Man

Favourite Red Hoodie



Black & White


Sisterly Love

Up the Creek

Fashion Show

Puddle Inspector

Summer Braid

Piggy Back!

The Woods


Charleston View

Summer Beach Sunset

Skate Park Gang

Weathered Pines

Smoke Signals

In Pop's Store

Tuckered Out

Hair Echoing Bush

Back Harbour Swell

Through the Sprinkler

Late Summer Garden

The Chase

Calling to Friends


Strike a Pose

Morning Kiss

Incognito Attitude

Summer Clouds

Weird Light, Big Eyes

Winter's Bones

Welcome Winter | Kitchener Family Photographer

Some of you may know that in my former life I was a practicing massage therapist, as well as a massage therapy instructor at a local college.  Through this experience I have formed some truly amazing friendships and connections that are so special.  I love keeping up with my former clients and students, through social media, tea dates and gatherings, and when one of this circle hires me for a session, I feel incredibly honoured and happy. Considering that I started working at the college nearly 8 years ago. many of the students I have worked with are now getting married, starting families and growing in their lives in amazing ways.  This lovely lady is no exception.  She is a busy massage therapist, to whom I entrusted my own clients six years ago when I took a brief maternity leave.  She has an infectious smile, positive and caring attitude and shares my sense of humour.   When we hang out, laughter is the order of the day!

When we met up for our session near the Grand River trail in Kitchener, I was so excited to finally meet her little girl in person.  She seriously has one of the most radiant smiles I have seen - she just lights up! It may have been a cold, gray day with light snow, but she smiled as if it were the middle of the summer.  Of course, even she had her limits and the smile didn't last once her fingers got cold, but we had fun while it lasted!  If only we could have convinced her to stop throwing her mittens in the snow... ;)

Here are a few of my favourites from this quick, fun session!  Thank you all for being such troopers in the cold and the snow - next time we need to plan for summer!


M xo

Fall Light | Kitchener Family Photographer

This fall has been, well... a bit dicey.  The cold temperatures came earlier than usual and the sun was not shining as often as I had hoped.  There has been a lot of schedule shuffling and last minute phone calls as the rain suddenly erupted.  Mother Nature is having an off year, I guess. But there was one GLORIOUS day in November, where the sun shone in a bright blue sky, the temperature was not balmy but not freezing  and the leaves still had some of their yellow and orange hues.  The perfect day for a fall session.  And then I met this lovely family, with their awesome wardrobe selections and sparkling smiles and I knew that it was going to be one of those sessions that I walked away from knowing with certainty that I had some keepers.

We met on the outskirts of Kitchener at one of my favourite locations - in fact, it is where I take my own family when we feel like a tripod session!  The goldenrod was in its full, puffy goodness and the grass was just starting to take on its winter hues.  We laughed, we played, we ate chips and Smarties (okay, that was just the little man but I totally would have shared). There may have also been a "stinging needle" incident, but a lively round of song and a few Smarties took care of that!

As the evening progressed, the light only got more and more dreamy and beautiful - I was in photographer nirvana!  Eventually our fingers and noses were a little red and chilly, so we called it a day, but not before one last game of peekaboo in the car. Even Barkley the dog seemed to have enjoyed himself and only had a few burrs from his adventures through the bushes.

Looking forward to meeting this family again in the future...maybe when their new addition arrives?

M xo

Duck? | Kitchener Family Photography

Toddlers live in their own little worlds, full of imagination, wonder, curiosity and fun!  They also don't care if you want them to do a particular task, like say...sit still.  And be photographed. With loving parents in the frame. I have been photographing this family, who have become wonderful friends, since the little man was four months old.  It has been so amazing to watch him grow and learn along the way and to see his sweet little personality get stronger. From the moment he arrived  for our session in Kitchener, he was on a mission to run and explore every sight and sound around him.  Meanwhile, he resolutely ignored our desire to get some photography done.  We tried everything - Barney videos, songs, silly faces, snacks, my junior assistants (my girlies) executed perfect prat falls, all to no avail.  We did get a few keepers, but I think we all felt like a three-ring circus by the end! LOL  Of course, the little man was completely unfazed by our efforts and continued to merrily search for ducks on the pond. Ah, toddlers. Sweet little balls of stubborn attitude.

We reconvened a week later to try to grab a few more images and had slightly more success and added a bit of variety to the mix.  Now I think we may have had even more success if I had been smart enough NOT to select the second location in a row that is beside a river...full of ducks. Alas, toddlerhood is a short phase, full of adventure, exploration, discovery, tantrums and tumbles and just to capture him at this stage is worth ever mud puddle we stepped in and ducks we silently cursed. And he still loved me at the end of it all and was happy to see me the next time we met, so it is going down in the books as an unbridled success!

M xo


Little Mister Turns One | Kitchener Family Photography

Just over a year ago, we were waiting for my friends Mike and Kelly to let us know when their baby had arrived.  When I got the text that he was here, I was overjoyed for them.  One year ago today, he came into their lives, a healthy  baby boy who was thankfully weighed not nearly as much as anticipated! ;)

Over the past year, this little man has given his parents a few grey hairs with an early hospital stay and a couple of mysterious rashes, but he is one tough little cookie!  Surrounded by love, it is no wonder he bounced back stronger than ever after each little fall.  I have had the chance to snuggle him when we have our monthly breakfast dates with my CCMH ladies and trust me, he gets more kisses in that hour than may be safe for the average baby.   He puts up (mostly) with our non-stop chatter while trying to swipe food from Mom's plate, until we push him past nap time and then he lets us know just what he thinks of our conversation!

It has been so wonderful to watch my friends blossom into such amazing parents!  It is hard to believe that a whole year has gone by since I held him, a tiny bundle in my arms.  He has grown into such an adorable, sweet little man.  I could just squeeze him!  But really, the thing I look the most forward to is the day that he chooses his favourite hockey team.  Senators or Maple Leafs?  Maybe he will create a panic and choose THE HABS! ;)

A special thanks to Michelle from Miche L Photography for hanging out with me at this session too!

Love you little mister!

M xo

Summer Nights | Kitchener Family Photographer

When this family invited me to come out to their beautiful farm property, I was so excited!   I was greeted by their friendly pup and warmly welcomed into their home and life.  We toured the property, marveling at the pear trees drooping with ripe fruit and checking out the tent that was ready for a camp out that night.  The newly-installed pool was also inviting but alas, I had forgotten my suit...  The perfect excuse to be welcomed back, right? ;) I loved every sun-filled minute with this fantastic family and feel so lucky to have shared this gorgeous summer night with them.  I have a feeling there may be a few more summer nights together in our future...

M xo


Six | Kitchener Children's Photographer

My youngest turned six this week.  Holy moly!  She came whirling into our lives early on an warm late-summer morning, hungry and full of energy.  She is still a morning person, still hungry and the energy has only grown six-fold. I love her because she talks to herself, makes silly faces to crack us up, says hilarious things,asks constantly for snacks, goes to sleep within 2 seconds of closing her eyes, loves to paint, is a kind friend who gets along with everyone, knows how to get what she wants from her "boyfriend" by making it sound like it was her idea, loves her sister and will share her last piece of gum with her,  has the craziest hair EVER, rides her training wheels at the skate park like she owns the place, is quick to forgive and apologize, sings when she wakes up, can work an attitude pose like nobody's business and is always laughing.

You bring joy, laughter, energy and serenity into our lives every day, Emery.  We love you <3

Mom, Dad, Sissy and Charlie Boy xo

Sun, Surf and Snuggles | Kitchener Family Photographer

Nothing is more linked with the summer season than the beach.  Soft sand, warm water, the shrieks of gulls.  Ahh, bliss. When Michelle, my dear friend and the talented photographer behind the lens at Pitter Patter Photography, asked me if I would be up for doing a family beach session for her in beautiful Saugeen Shores, Ontario, I jumped at the chance!  I have a soft spot in my heart for these beaches , as I grew up swimming, playing and building sand castles on these very shores.

We started off with some play time in the water, which included a three-person race that ended in a lot of splashing!  We got dry and then headed back for a sunset session in the long grass and silky sand.  Finally, we hit a spot the next morning to grab a few more to round it all out!  I am so happy that I was able to give Michelle images with each of her littles, since I know how how hard it is to get into the frame sometimes.  Mom was there too!


Thank you all for your patience and for braving the mosquitos for just a few more!  It was a whirlwind, that's for sure! ;)

M xo

Celebrating | Kitchener Family Photographer

This lovely family met me on a beautiful summer's morn to capture some images featuring a little man who would be celebrating his first birthday the very next day! I knew we would have a great session when he was in my arms within the first 5 minutes!  He wasn't sharing too many of his sparkling smiles, but he did enjoy Mom and Dad's hilarious rendition of "Old Macdonald". ;)  We came away with a few mosquito bites and some fun images, a great morning all around.

Thank you for letting me be a part of this celebration for such a wonderful, loved little boy!

M xo

Love and Colour | Kitchener Family Photography

This amazing family is SUPER fun to photograph!  First of all, their clothing is always amazing, with cool coordinating colours and the outfits are crazy stylish.  Secondly, they love to laugh together and be silly.  Really, they make my job as easy as it can get.  And the weather and location could not have been better for this session, which made the evening even more perfect.  The only hitch was my sudden allergy attacks, consisting of interminable sneezes... Thank god these people know me or it would have been twice as mortifying to be a sneezy, tearing mess! LOL Mom and Dad are the talented team behind Bodh Salon and Bodh Photography and also friends.  We just had a blast laughing, playing and doing our best to keep the kiddos entertained, including my lovely assistant Brielle, who gladly made a complete fool of herself to keep the giggles coming!  Of course, we also bribed everyone with ice cream, which never fails to ensure extra-big grins... ;)

Thanks to Michelle, Jake, Mattea and Dash for being your awesome selves and for being my friends.  Love you!

M xo

Take a moment in the next image to notice the toddler meltdown in the background.  He wasn't impressed that his sister was beating him in the first 5 steps, so he threw himself down in defeat.  Hilarious!



Fall Fun | Kitchener Family Photographer

This fun family managed to get one of the most gorgeous days that we had last fall for their shoot!  Warm temperatures, sunshine and tons of fallen oak leaves and fluffy golden rod. I was contacted by Marc of Marc Douglas Photography to plan this session as a birthday surprise for his lovely wife. Now THAT is a gift that will earn him bonus points for a good long while! ;)  Fortunately, he  surprised her early enough that she was able to pull together some fab outfits for the shoot!

We had such a great time, playing Marco Polo in the forest (I am not so good at that game), hunting for deer droppings and throwing leaves in the last light of the day.  Thank you all for being so easy to capture, with beautiful smiles and tons of love for one another. It was a true pleasure.

Enjoy the images!

M xo

Lots of Love | Kitchener Family Photographer

This family is so full of love and laughter, it was nearly impossible to not have an amazing session with them!  Throw in a gorgeous fall morning, with sunshine and spectacular colours and you have the perfect day! Thank you all so much for being troopers on a chilly day - you ROCK!  And as always, you blew me away with your wardrobe choices, Amy!  Most stylish family EVER! :)

M xo