I turned thirty-three yesterday. And I am totally fine with that fact. I have a husband, two kids, a dog, a house and pay lots of taxes - thirty-three seems to fit this picture. I decided that I would spend the day recording a "Day in My Life" so that I could look back next year and see exactly how I spent my birthday. I soon discovered that I am not nearly as interesting or busy as I think I am on a daily basis. I did, however, find out that I do spend a lot of time with my girls, I spend lots of time with my family and I am a dedicated student who goes to class even on her birthday. All good things.
Here are some images from my day. I chose to show them all in black and white, just for a bit of a change - hey, I'm thirty-three now, I am expanding my horizons!
I started my day dropping Emery off at Grandma"s house so that I could take Brielle to the doctor. She has been sick for nearly a week, so it was time to get to the bottom of this mysterious illness. Of course, before we left, the girls had to squeeze in a quick game of Go Fish, each taking a turn being Grandma's partner.
Brielle waiting to be examined at the doctor's office. Turns out she has multiple viruses and all the doctor could prescribe was fluids and rest. Which Brielle translated as Popsicles and Family Channel. Oh boy.
After I got Brielle back to Grandma's to snuggle on the couch, I drove Emery to the sitter's in the Vanicus Maximus (aka the Mom Taxi). I then went to work (as a massage therapist) and afterward came home to my lovely hubby making supper! Emery helped to deliver my lovely card, signed by all my loves.
And finally, I headed off to school to learn about the business of photography. Interesting.
So that was my birthday. No cake and candles, no big, flashy gifts (although a new lens wouldn't have been turned away). Just another day in my life, full of love, family, friends and learning. It was a beautiful day.
{M} xo