This Christmas, for the first time, I decided not to work at all during the break so I could spend extra time with my family. Usually I end up doing at least a few massage treatments and a couple of last minute shoots but I always wish that I had just stayed home with my girls and hubby. This year I was all about watching movies with my girls, going to dinner with my hubby and just enjoying the peace and (relative) quiet of being at home with no plans. I took the pressure off even more by telling myself it was okay NOT to have perfect images from the season, but rather simple snapshots that were technically imperfect, but captured all the memories as they happened. I have found that as a professional photographer, everyone expects that all of your pictures will be amazing all the time and expect you to always have your camera at the ready. Ugh. Sometimes I want to just enjoy the moment without worrying about if I have enough light or if I have a good angle.
So, here are some snaps from my holiday season. The best one I have had in a really long time.
I was so proud of Brielle for writing the note to Santa all by herself this year. Emery drew the picture (don't ask me what it is, it was a very long and complicated explanation)...
And now to lay out some challenges for myself for 2012! Last year, I promised to complete a 52 weeks project (I got to week 36 or so and it kind of tapered off), to photograph 32 strangers (never happened) and maybe one other thing that I totally forget. This year, I am trying to set challenges that are a little less ambitious. And I expect you all to hold me to them, so don't be shy about reminding me on Facebook, by blog comment or in person!
- 24 Frames - Essentially, I want to practice and refine the skill of getting everything right IN CAMERA. Back in the film days, your couldn't just shoot to your heart's content and do the fixes in post, you had to nail it the first time, every time. I have gotten much better at this, but it is always important to keep working on it. So I will be posting, throughout the year, images that have come straight out of camera (SOOC) with just a bit of sharpening for web. Phew, wish me luck!
- Monthly Portraits - I want to do monthly portraits of my girls, just to see them grow and change throughout the year. I haven't told them yet, so it will be a surprise (or ambush, call it what you will.)
- Workshops - I want to attend at least two workshops this year, so I better start saving my pennies (or whole paycheques). I love learning new skills and meeting other photographers and workshops let me do both at the same time!
Okay, that seems like more than enough. Hopefully at this time next year I will be able to say that I completed all of my challenges (don't hold your breath, people). Thanks again for all the love and support this past year. Look out 2012, here I come!
{M} xo