Chasing and Playing : : Exeter Children's Photographer

You win some, you lose some.  Such is the life of a children's photographer.  Sometimes, everything clicks, the kids are really into getting their photo taken and you breeze right through (this happens VERY rarely, don't get excited.)  Other times, it takes a little more work.  More chasing, more begging, more bribing, more playing and more sweating.  Toddlers, in particular, often fall into the latter scenario.  Any of you who have tried to get a toddler to sit still will know what I mean. These two little lovelies were really fun to work with.  Not so still, but fun nonetheless! ;)  They shared their morning with me to capture some images for my final portfolio for college.  The session involved two different dancing Elmos, a ball, the Goldilicious book, some Christmas ornaments and one singing birthday card, so you can imagine how much I was workin' for it!  And all that patience I have lost with my own kids magically reappeared when I needed it.  I knew I put it somewhere...

After pulling out all the stops, I managed to get a few images that I love, so it was well worth every Elmo chicken dance and Bibbedy-bobbedy-boo I had to endure.


Thanks Ava, Lyla and Lesley for being so kind and sharing your day with me!

{M} xoxo