I know, I know, I missed a few weeks. Life just got away from me and my blog had to suffer in silence. But now I'm back and the posts will flow once more! My girls were headed to school over these 2 weeks and I wanted to share a couple of images from their first days. I would like to point out that they chose their own outfits and it is entirely coincidental that they both chose to wear shades of blue. However, it does make creating a coordinating blog post a little easier, so my anal-rententive heart is smiling just a little more than usual!
First up is Emery, my kindergarten girl. She was so excited to be starting "big girl" school this year, even though her fourth birthday was only the day before she began! I must admit, I was more sad to have her start than I was for my oldest, probably because she is my baby and still so young. I had to miss seeing her off on her first day (which is probably better, I definitely would have been crying) but Daddy reported that she was nothing but smiles. She is a funny, sweet, compassionate girl who is the first to comfort others if they are sad or hurt. I know she is going to be growing so fast over the next few months - mentally, emotionally and physically - but I wish she would just stay my baby forever. Every mother's lament.
Next is my oldest, Brielle. At six years old, she is already smarter, sassier and more charming than I have even been in my whole life. Seriously. She has lots of opinions and loves to tell you what they are, but is a kind friend and a wonderful big sister. She is off to Grade 1 French Immersion this year and I am so proud of how well she has handled being at school everyday (at least so far...I'm not expecting this cooperation to last!). The first week she was already saying "Est-ce que je peux aller au toilet?". Oh boy, I see an adventure to Paris in her future...
My girls are off into the world and all I can do is hope that I have adequately prepared them for all its challenges.