Duck? | Kitchener Family Photography

Toddlers live in their own little worlds, full of imagination, wonder, curiosity and fun!  They also don't care if you want them to do a particular task, like say...sit still.  And be photographed. With loving parents in the frame. I have been photographing this family, who have become wonderful friends, since the little man was four months old.  It has been so amazing to watch him grow and learn along the way and to see his sweet little personality get stronger. From the moment he arrived  for our session in Kitchener, he was on a mission to run and explore every sight and sound around him.  Meanwhile, he resolutely ignored our desire to get some photography done.  We tried everything - Barney videos, songs, silly faces, snacks, my junior assistants (my girlies) executed perfect prat falls, all to no avail.  We did get a few keepers, but I think we all felt like a three-ring circus by the end! LOL  Of course, the little man was completely unfazed by our efforts and continued to merrily search for ducks on the pond. Ah, toddlers. Sweet little balls of stubborn attitude.

We reconvened a week later to try to grab a few more images and had slightly more success and added a bit of variety to the mix.  Now I think we may have had even more success if I had been smart enough NOT to select the second location in a row that is beside a river...full of ducks. Alas, toddlerhood is a short phase, full of adventure, exploration, discovery, tantrums and tumbles and just to capture him at this stage is worth ever mud puddle we stepped in and ducks we silently cursed. And he still loved me at the end of it all and was happy to see me the next time we met, so it is going down in the books as an unbridled success!

M xo


Little Mister Turns One | Kitchener Family Photography

Just over a year ago, we were waiting for my friends Mike and Kelly to let us know when their baby had arrived.  When I got the text that he was here, I was overjoyed for them.  One year ago today, he came into their lives, a healthy  baby boy who was thankfully weighed not nearly as much as anticipated! ;)

Over the past year, this little man has given his parents a few grey hairs with an early hospital stay and a couple of mysterious rashes, but he is one tough little cookie!  Surrounded by love, it is no wonder he bounced back stronger than ever after each little fall.  I have had the chance to snuggle him when we have our monthly breakfast dates with my CCMH ladies and trust me, he gets more kisses in that hour than may be safe for the average baby.   He puts up (mostly) with our non-stop chatter while trying to swipe food from Mom's plate, until we push him past nap time and then he lets us know just what he thinks of our conversation!

It has been so wonderful to watch my friends blossom into such amazing parents!  It is hard to believe that a whole year has gone by since I held him, a tiny bundle in my arms.  He has grown into such an adorable, sweet little man.  I could just squeeze him!  But really, the thing I look the most forward to is the day that he chooses his favourite hockey team.  Senators or Maple Leafs?  Maybe he will create a panic and choose THE HABS! ;)

A special thanks to Michelle from Miche L Photography for hanging out with me at this session too!

Love you little mister!

M xo

Summer Nights | Kitchener Family Photographer

When this family invited me to come out to their beautiful farm property, I was so excited!   I was greeted by their friendly pup and warmly welcomed into their home and life.  We toured the property, marveling at the pear trees drooping with ripe fruit and checking out the tent that was ready for a camp out that night.  The newly-installed pool was also inviting but alas, I had forgotten my suit...  The perfect excuse to be welcomed back, right? ;) I loved every sun-filled minute with this fantastic family and feel so lucky to have shared this gorgeous summer night with them.  I have a feeling there may be a few more summer nights together in our future...

M xo


Six | Kitchener Children's Photographer

My youngest turned six this week.  Holy moly!  She came whirling into our lives early on an warm late-summer morning, hungry and full of energy.  She is still a morning person, still hungry and the energy has only grown six-fold. I love her because she talks to herself, makes silly faces to crack us up, says hilarious things,asks constantly for snacks, goes to sleep within 2 seconds of closing her eyes, loves to paint, is a kind friend who gets along with everyone, knows how to get what she wants from her "boyfriend" by making it sound like it was her idea, loves her sister and will share her last piece of gum with her,  has the craziest hair EVER, rides her training wheels at the skate park like she owns the place, is quick to forgive and apologize, sings when she wakes up, can work an attitude pose like nobody's business and is always laughing.

You bring joy, laughter, energy and serenity into our lives every day, Emery.  We love you <3

Mom, Dad, Sissy and Charlie Boy xo

Sun, Surf and Snuggles | Kitchener Family Photographer

Nothing is more linked with the summer season than the beach.  Soft sand, warm water, the shrieks of gulls.  Ahh, bliss. When Michelle, my dear friend and the talented photographer behind the lens at Pitter Patter Photography, asked me if I would be up for doing a family beach session for her in beautiful Saugeen Shores, Ontario, I jumped at the chance!  I have a soft spot in my heart for these beaches , as I grew up swimming, playing and building sand castles on these very shores.

We started off with some play time in the water, which included a three-person race that ended in a lot of splashing!  We got dry and then headed back for a sunset session in the long grass and silky sand.  Finally, we hit a spot the next morning to grab a few more to round it all out!  I am so happy that I was able to give Michelle images with each of her littles, since I know how how hard it is to get into the frame sometimes.  Mom was there too!


Thank you all for your patience and for braving the mosquitos for just a few more!  It was a whirlwind, that's for sure! ;)

M xo

Celebrating | Kitchener Family Photographer

This lovely family met me on a beautiful summer's morn to capture some images featuring a little man who would be celebrating his first birthday the very next day! I knew we would have a great session when he was in my arms within the first 5 minutes!  He wasn't sharing too many of his sparkling smiles, but he did enjoy Mom and Dad's hilarious rendition of "Old Macdonald". ;)  We came away with a few mosquito bites and some fun images, a great morning all around.

Thank you for letting me be a part of this celebration for such a wonderful, loved little boy!

M xo

Love and Colour | Kitchener Family Photography

This amazing family is SUPER fun to photograph!  First of all, their clothing is always amazing, with cool coordinating colours and the outfits are crazy stylish.  Secondly, they love to laugh together and be silly.  Really, they make my job as easy as it can get.  And the weather and location could not have been better for this session, which made the evening even more perfect.  The only hitch was my sudden allergy attacks, consisting of interminable sneezes... Thank god these people know me or it would have been twice as mortifying to be a sneezy, tearing mess! LOL Mom and Dad are the talented team behind Bodh Salon and Bodh Photography and also friends.  We just had a blast laughing, playing and doing our best to keep the kiddos entertained, including my lovely assistant Brielle, who gladly made a complete fool of herself to keep the giggles coming!  Of course, we also bribed everyone with ice cream, which never fails to ensure extra-big grins... ;)

Thanks to Michelle, Jake, Mattea and Dash for being your awesome selves and for being my friends.  Love you!

M xo

Take a moment in the next image to notice the toddler meltdown in the background.  He wasn't impressed that his sister was beating him in the first 5 steps, so he threw himself down in defeat.  Hilarious!



Red Hoodies | Ontario Children's Photographer

Nothing is better than spending the long days of summer at a cottage. I am so fortunate that my parents have a cottage that we can use as a family, set in picturesque Tobermory, Ontario.  An old log building with a planked interior, it is filled with a mish-mash of eclectic furniture and decor, the perfect summer retreat.  It is the kind of place where you don't think twice about coming in straight from the lake and dripping puddles through the living room on your journey to find your haphazardly-shucked clothing.  Or letting the kids dissect owl pellets right on the dining table, gross little rodent bones and all. The thing about Tobermory is that the weather tends to be highly unpredictable, warm and sunny one minute, a raging thunderstorm with a temperatures plummeting the next.  Each year I buy each of my girls a new warm hoodie to wear while cozied up in front of the camp fire or to break the wind that blows in off Georgian Bay. Though nearly three years apart, they are often mistaken for twins, a misconception that is undoubtedly is perpetuated by my zest for buying them matching outerwear...

This year I was looking for red hoodies, which are very difficult to find, believe it or not. On the hunt, I finally tracked some down (in the boys' section, but don't tell my girls) for only 8$ a piece! Steal!  Why red you ask?  Why not a lovely purple or pink?  Well, the answer is two-fold.

  1. I am so sick of purple and pink I could scream.  GAH!  Even the blue, green, yellow and orange clothing tends to have some sort of pink or purple graphic to clearly define and demonstrate GIRL.
  2. Red is the most amazing colour to photograph.  So yes, this purchase was rather self-serving, but practical nonetheless.  What can I say, I am a photographer...

Of course, I just had to bust out the red hoodies on our most recent cottage adventure...  You have to admit they look spectacular, right?

M xo

Biker Babe | Kitchener Photographer

It took her so long to have the confidence to learn to ride on two wheels. She is cautious by nature and is sometimes reluctant to try new things.  But in this case, once she started riding a couple of years ago she never looked back.  As soon as the snow melted from the sidewalk, she was begging to get her bike out and go for a ride. I took her up to the empty parking lot at the end of our street and let her ride as fast as she could.  Of course, being an eight-year-old, she headed straight for the puddles and whizzed through them, splashing dirty water onto her boots, leaving a splattered, muddy line right up to her pony tail. And she was absolutely radiant.  The only time I saw a serious expression is when I made her stop for a quick snap.

I hope she never loses the joy of riding as fast as she can through puddles...



24 Frames | Kitchener Photographer

This year I have set a few challenges for myself.  The biggest and most daunting is a Project 365, a photo a day for every day of 2013.  I am posting those image over on my Facebook Page, so pop on over and take a look at my already-needing-bribery girlies, each and every day! The other challenge I have set for myself is to push my work technically and creatively, exploring new and different ways to express myself through my images.  This is not one specific project, but rather an overarching theme to my work this year.  Do more, try more, think more, feel more with my images.  I have a bunch of ideas rolling around in my brain, battling for the attention of my imagination, but many of them are not easily accomplished in the dead of the Canadian winter.

That being said, there is one project that has no limitations, except my own healthy fear of failure:  24 Frames.  Essentially, I want to go back to a film mentality (without going back to ACTUAL film, because it is getting crazy expensive to develop film now, if you can even find a lab that still does developing).  So I am doing my own sort of homage to film by embarking on a journey to create images that will not be edited, retouched or altered in any way, save to size and sharpen appropriately for web. Gulp.  I just broke out in a cold sweat even typing that.

As some of you may know, I am also a photo editor and Photoshop mentor, which means Photoshop and I are tight. I spend more time with Photoshop than I do my husband many days.  So for me to have to create and display an image that has no retouching is a BIG deal.  But I am going to be brave and push myself to slow down, think and create images with more technical and creative precision.  Just don't tell Photoshop that we are on a break.

And with that, here is the first of 24 Frames.  I am pleased with the way it turned out overall, although it is a little dark for my personal preference.  Something to think about the next time!

Fall Fun | Kitchener Family Photographer

This fun family managed to get one of the most gorgeous days that we had last fall for their shoot!  Warm temperatures, sunshine and tons of fallen oak leaves and fluffy golden rod. I was contacted by Marc of Marc Douglas Photography to plan this session as a birthday surprise for his lovely wife. Now THAT is a gift that will earn him bonus points for a good long while! ;)  Fortunately, he  surprised her early enough that she was able to pull together some fab outfits for the shoot!

We had such a great time, playing Marco Polo in the forest (I am not so good at that game), hunting for deer droppings and throwing leaves in the last light of the day.  Thank you all for being so easy to capture, with beautiful smiles and tons of love for one another. It was a true pleasure.

Enjoy the images!

M xo

Best Face of 2012 | I Heart Faces Photo Challenge | Kitchener Children's Photographer

Here is my submission for the I Heart Faces Photo Challenge: Best Face of 2012, entitled Pout. I see this pout quite often, as it is her adorable yet not-so-effective way to try to get what she wants, which was, on this day, to roller skate before swimming lessons.  We didn't have time, but she tried to work the pout on me anyway just to see if I was bluffing.

Thank you I Heart Faces for another fabulous Photo Challenge!

M xo


Photo Challenge Submission

Lots of Love | Kitchener Family Photographer

This family is so full of love and laughter, it was nearly impossible to not have an amazing session with them!  Throw in a gorgeous fall morning, with sunshine and spectacular colours and you have the perfect day! Thank you all so much for being troopers on a chilly day - you ROCK!  And as always, you blew me away with your wardrobe choices, Amy!  Most stylish family EVER! :)

M xo

Personal Images 2012 | Kitchener Photographer

As this 2012 comes to an end, I look back at all the amazing things that this year has brought to my life. My girls are another year older.  I am no longer teaching massage therapy, nor am I treating massage therapy clients.  I am working on building two businesses.  I edit, day and night.  My hubby and I have been married 9 years.  My dog is 9 years old and my constant companion. I earned a merit in the NAPCP image competition.  I am able to volunteer at my girls' school on a regular basis.  I went to Dominican Republic with my family. I tried snowboarding. I earned my Photography Certificate from Conestoga College.  I created new friendships to last a lifetime.  I am a photographer.

I love every minute of my life, the ups and downs, the tantrums and the triumphs, the laughs and the sobs.  I try to capture as much as I can with my camera, because I know that these memories will only last for as long as they are remembered.  I am planning a big year-end post, showcasing all of my wonderful, loyal, patient and forever gracious clients, but I also wanted to share with you some of my favourite images from my personal collection from the past year.  I have so many that I love, but each of the images I chose are special because of the story, the memory and the moment.

I divided the images into three categories: Colour, Black & White and iPhone.   Not all of the images are technical perfection, but they are an honest, true reflection of my life.  I hope you enjoy the images and that they will give you a little insight into what makes my life complete. :)

M xo

Colour Images:

No More Pictures

Chalk Art

Best Friends

Little Miss Attitude

My Lovelies


Too Young For Lipstick


First Snow

Always Silly

Black & White Images:

Quiet Reflection

Bedtime at the Cottage


Belly Laugh

Water Fight

Are We Done Yet?



Shared Laughter

iPhone Images:




Morning at Camp


Home Again

Scared of the Dark

Weekend Away

Drying Off

Before the Baby... | Cambridge Family Photographer

I was so excited to photograph my lovely friend Sandra, of Sandra Medeiros Photography, and her family before they welcomed their newest addition! We had a beautiful late summer's eve, warm and full of sun.  And while we did get a few mosquito bites on our adventure, we also had plenty of laughs! Thank you all for being so patient and sticking it out so we could make these memories before the baby arrived.

And since I am so behind in my blogging, they have since welcomed baby Clara to the family!  Congratulations and I can't wait to make a snuggle date! :)

Enjoy the images everyone!

M xo